Post-Treatment Care is of great importance. In the first 48 hours use PHISEPTO Wipes both for Lymph Removal and for wound disinfection. The Procedure should be repeated 3 to 5 times a day.
7 days after the treatment, the client should use SKIN CANDY ANTI-SCAR CREAM.
How to apply this gel?
After initial scab shedding, a small amount of the gel is to be applied on the skin every 8 hours. It should be applied until the skin relief is restored, redness disappears, and the skin color in the area that has been exposed to the procedure obtains the same color as surrounding tissues.
Duration of application: 30 and more days.
- Dekorative and hygienic cosmetics for 10-14 days on the affected area after the procedure
- Peeling the scab, you should allow it to fall off naturally
- Solarium, Sun, Baths, Saunas, Pools for 2 weeks after the procedure
- Facial or body treatments for 3-6 weeks after the procedure
- Exercise and body or facial massages 7 days after the procedure
Please download or print the Post-Treatment Care: